Thursday, June 28, 2012

There's snakes in them there hills!

                                                   If you listen close you can hear the rattle!

Okay so this post could have a had several names and all would have fit....

      * Baking at Red Rock Canyon

Temperatures soared into the 100's as 53 runners took part in the inaugural "Flight of Fire" 1/2 Marathon Trail Run at Red Rock Canyon today.  Sure hope you remembered your sunscreen, head gear, sunglasses, and water.  It is gonna be a hot one!

* Since I am a Tortoise I belong in the Dessert

I could quote so many little feel good lines at this point.  You know we have all heard them and said them I am sure....At least you were out there, Run Walk or Crawl Just Finish, You did better then the ones who never tried.

 I love the positive thought and believe me I will love them tomorrow but today my only thought was I will not get another DNF (did not finish) at Red Rock Canyon.  Today my motivation was I will win my own personal battle in Red Rock NO MATTER WHAT! 

Today I was the tortoise in the dessert, slow and I wish I could say steady but with the mile taking me anywhere from 15 minutes to 36 minutes  I am not sure steady is the correct term.  But it is true at least I was out there and at least I did finish.

For this race I decided to wear my Vibram Five Finger Shoes.  This was my first race longer then a 5K that I decided to wear them.  I love my vibrams and do wear them everyday.  I have also worn them to hike up in Red Rock and I liked how well I can grip the rocks when I have them on my feet.  Since this race is a trail run I decided that I wanted the extra grip and boy I am so glad I did.  Not once did I slip on the lose gravel or on the big rocks as I climbed up and over the very narrow single track trails.  Only draw backs were that the rocks and sand were very hot and I could feel the heat on my feet and my calves were crying the next day. 
So for the snake story....lucky for me I never actually saw one.  Now mind you I am not afraid of snakes I just do not like things that can be lethal when they bite.  I can say now that I do know what a rattle snake sounds like though as I heard several as I ran my fastest hill ever once I realized what that rattle was. 

So I have now done something that I had never planned on doing....I have actually ran a Trail Run, will I do it again?  If you would have asked me the next day I would have said that a month has gone by I say of course I will do it again!