Sunday, February 26, 2012

It All Began With An Accident.....

Two years ago today my life was forever changed and yes it all began with an accident.  I was minding my own business driving down highway 99 exactly 2 years ago this very minute when I was hit from behind by a young women not paying enough attention to where she was going.  My little 1999 VW Beetle did not stand a chance against her Subaru Outback and my own back did not stand a chance against the massage table that was in the backseat not strapped down.  So as you can guess my car and my back were totaled.  Fast forward 4 months, lots of Chiropractor, Naturopathic and Doctor visits, 2 MRI's and lots of other tests and the big decision operate or not.

I opted for operate, at the time I was in constant pain and could not imagine not having some relief.  June 15, 2010 was my first back surgery on L4, L5 and S1, and who said it could not get any worse!  My first surgery was easy, in and out in 4 hours, home and in bed for a few days and sure I would be back to normal in NO time!  Right!  My back did in fact feel better,  but I had not expected to have either no feeling  in my leg and foot or complete pins and needles.  The pins and needles were the worst ever, I could not hardly put my foot down and could not wear shoes that had any sort of back because I could not stand to have anything touching the my Achilles Tendon.  The other issue came as my left leg started to forget that it had a job to do like walking, or even holding me upright.  I would be just walking along and it would simply give out.

Because the healing had not gone as expected my Neurologists suggested a 2nd surgery.  I remember thinking no way not again but I knew that I could not continue with the issues I was having with pain, numbness and loss of use.  The final decision came after I fell on November 14th, 2010.  I was leaning over the tub wiping down the far side of the tub and my bad leg gave out and I fell straight down on the edge of the tub right onto my right rib cage, breaking my 6th rib.  My 2nd back surgery was done on November 24th,  2010.  This time the doctor assured me that surgery would work and I would no longer have the issue of my foot feeling like it was always half asleep with constant pins and needles.  Little did I know that the only way this would be accomplished would be for him to sever the perennial nerve, replacing the pins and needles with complete numbness!  (My word of advice is to be sure you KNOW everything about your doctor!  I did not know that my surgeon had a history of needing to do multiple surgeries and never having the issues resolved. Information for another post.)

How do I feel about the car accident that forever changed my I feel thankful for the amazing and healthy changes I have made to my life since the accident and resulting issues.  I feel that out of every bad situation we must make a choice and for me I choose to be healthy, positive and to set an great example to others who may not believe or have been told that they cannot take that first step, run that first mile or even Run Across America!

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